Who are we as a company?

DataWeld has been providing totally integrated software solutions, including inventory tracking software designed to meet the business management and asset tracking needs of the compressed gas, chemical, chlorine, home health care industries and universities for over thirty years.

CylTech 2, DataWeld's flagship product, is a complete business management system designed to fit the unique needs of the compressed gas distributor. Every business need from billing customers, to managing receivables, establishing and maintaining an efficient inventory, to generating monthly cylinder rental invoices is available in one complete and integrated package. CylTech 2 offers the simplicity and ease of use for the smaller distributor while maintaining the sophistication to allow larger distributors the ability to run a growing business in the most efficient manner possible. CylTech 2 provides the tools that will help increase cash flow, reduce inventory costs and increase sales.

DataWeld'scylinder and container tracking software, AcuTrax, is a proven mobile asset tracking software package that utilizes the latest in handheld technology. For compressed gas distributors, AcuTrax will help track the industrial and specialty gas cylinders. For chlorine packagers or distributors, AcuTrax will help keep track of all those chlorine cylinders. For businesses serving the needs of the home health care industry, AcuTrax offers the capability to track the movement of all the medical oxygen cylinders. Regardless of the type of cylinder, container, tote or other moveable asset that needs to be tracked, AcuTrax has the tools to let you know where your assets are at all times.

If you send out delivery trucks with inventory to sell to your customers, DataWeld's Palm Order Pad gives has the capability to process orders in the field. Complete on-board inventories, customer specific pricing, and taxing let you generate a priced and taxed invoice for the customer. You can choose to leave the customer a cash register type receipt or a full sized invoice that looks just like it was generated on your corporate business system. Powerful customer centric inquiries on the handheld computer eliminate many calls back to the office by showing the driver or outside salesperson how much the customer owes, a list of outstanding invoices, a history of purchases and current cylinder balances. The Palm Order Pad can also be integrated with DataWeld's AcuTrax software to invoice the customer for gas or chemicals and track the movement of the cylinder at the same time.

With DataWeld's E-Commerce products you can eliminate many common calls and improve customer service by giving customers internet access to much of their account information. How much do I owe? Has that invoice been paid? Can I get a copy of that invoice? Can I get a copy of that rental invoice? All of these questions can be answered at the customer's convenience without ever having to call your office. Customers will have the information they need, when they need it and you will field fewer incoming calls saving time for both you and the customer.

Whether you're a compressed gas distributor looking for a totally integrated software and hardware solution, or you distribute other types of products and need help with tracking or taking orders in the field, DataWeld has a solution for you.

If you are ready to sell more, with less effort, and with more profit, give us a call at 318.746.6111 or let us know by requesting more information here on this website.